6 Dynamic Warm-ups to Start Every Workout

We all know about the benefits of dynamic stretching before running or when starting any workout, but honestly, sometimes we're just too lazy to do them

5 Habits of Mamaw Runners You Can Apply on Your Next Race

What makes mamaw runners different from you and me? Through consistent practice, they’ve developed habits that have made them smarter and stronger runners. Here are 5 of them.

5 Tips to Fight DOMS and Recover Faster

Remember the pain after your First 5K? Or that moment when you can hardly walk for days after your first half-marathon?

Running in a Flow State

Research over the years has shown that the more often that athletes achieve flow, the happier they were.

8 Reasons why we love 5KM Runs

“5KM lang yan, sobrang dali! Bitin pa nga eh.” Many runners take this distance for granted, thinking that it's only for beginners.

4 Things I Learned from my First 5 KM Fun Run

No matter what the distance is, the first run is said to be memorable for every runner. It is the race marks the start of your journey as a runner and the one that will be your constant reminder of your humble beginning.

6 Tips for Post-Quarantine Running

What are those who plan to start running outside supposed to do given the risks that need to be avoided?

6 Benefits of Running For Women

Menstrual cramps, muscle and joint aches, and Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) are some of the few bothersome effects that hinder us, women, to workout or to move in general. However, little do we know that all these unavoidable situations can actually be avoided or better yet overcome when you actively run and live a more active lifestyle.

4 Alternative Workouts for Injured Runners

Injured? These workouts will still keep you fit. If you’re suffering from running injuries, relax. You can still maintain your current fitness level while reducing the impact of running to your body with these activities.

Running Indoors, the best kept secret to Better Running

Running on the treadmill has often been thought of as a last resort to get your workout done. Most believe that it’s a boring, mediocre way to get mileage in.

7 Mind Tricks to Get you to the Finish Line

Running a half or a full marathon – or even just your usual weekend long run – can be physically and mentally tough, and would make you want to give up.

7 Tips When Running at Night

Running after a long day at school or work is a great stress buster. It relaxes us and gives us a much-needed endorphine boost. However, running at night can expose us to certain risks. Here are 8 tips on how you can stay safe while you’re out on the road as the sun sets.

8 Tips for Newbie Runners

With years of experience in teaching newbie runners we asked our favorite community Coach Mherlz Nava Lumagbas for some Tips on how to get started with running.

9 Kinds of Runners You’ll Meet on The Road

So which type of runner are you?