8 Tips for Running in the Rain

Rainy days doesn't necessarily mean you have to take your runs indoors. Also, most races push on rain or shine. Here are 7 tips to you can use to help you run in the rain.

Run Faster by Losing Weight

If you’ve been running for quite some time and you haven’t broken your current PR, maybe you it’s time to go on a diet.

7 Gross Things Runners Do But Probably Won’t Admit

Even the fittest and fastest runners are human, after all. Like the rest of us, they’re capable of doing unsexy things. Here are some of the um, strange things runners do or are capable of doing, but probably Won’t really admit it.

5 Worst Things To Do Before You Run

If you are reading this article then chances are you are someone who enjoys running that much and it’s somehow part of your regular routine but let me tell you something – as much as it can be the best part of your day, it can also turn out to be the worst if you practice bad pre-run habits.

4 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Running Shoes

A pair of good running shoes is the most important investment for every runner. Your chosen pair will be the primary protection of your feet, knees, ankles, and joints as you run kilometer after kilometer. But a good pair of running shoes doesn’t come cheap.

5 Habits of Mamaw Runners You Can Apply on Your Next Race

What makes mamaw runners different from you and me? Through consistent practice, they’ve developed habits that have made them smarter and stronger runners. Here are 5 of them.

Best kettlebells in PH and where to buy them

A kettlebell can be swung, lifted, thrown, pressed, held and manipulated in various combinations that can support strength training and cardio-vascular exercises.

Running in a Flow State

Research over the years has shown that the more often that athletes achieve flow, the happier they were.

10 Running Essentials You Should Have Right Now

Don’t be overwhelmed with all those hi-tech running gear you see in your favorite sports shop. Here’s a list of the top 10 things you should have in your “running kit” to run safe and sound.

9 Common Mistakes Running Newbies Make

So you’ve decided to get into running as part of your fitness goals this year. Good job! Take care, though: it’s so easy to make mistakes that can turn you off from the sport.

Eat Smart: How to Avoid Pigging Out After a Run

Everyone feels really hungry after a run – in fact, we’re sure you’re already thinking of what to eat even before you start your workout or race!

7 Tips When Running at Night

Running after a long day at school or work is a great stress buster. It relaxes us and gives us a much-needed endorphine boost. However, running at night can expose us to certain risks. Here are 8 tips on how you can stay safe while you’re out on the road as the sun sets.

8 Habits of Successful Athletes

The life of an amateur, or “Age Grouper” athlete is challenging, to say the least. Between juggling a career and personal life, it takes a special kind of work ethic to be among the top performing athletes in the country.

6 Tips for Post-Quarantine Running

What are those who plan to start running outside supposed to do given the risks that need to be avoided?