Could jumping ropes be the new fitness trend on the rise?
By watching social media timelines get saturated with videos of people practicing their ‘rope flows’ and challenging each other to do tricks, it seems that would be the case.
Apparently, as limiting quarantine measures continue to stretch on and people remain fearful of going outside, their attentions revisited the long-overlooked but familiar fitness tool which is the jump rope. This time, however, it’s not just seen as a convenient alternative to running or biking outdoors – it has risen to popularity.
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The sport’s widening appreciation can be attributed not just to the impressive rope flow videos online and the fact that a high profile celebrity such as Elen Adarana and many other notable figures have gotten into it. Given those, who wouldn’t be curious about trying it out?
To help inspire you to get started – or continue, if you’re already a jumper – on the ropes, here’s a list of IG jumpers you can follow:
1. Elen Adarna
2. Noel Agra
3. Jessica Lagman
4. Happyfingers Jumps
5. Jump Manila
6. Jump is Life
On top of these influencers and jump rope coaches, you can also follow the newly established official Philippine Jump Rope Association on Instagram @jump_pjra for updates on the latest news and events on the local jump rope scene.
Are you a jumper? Who inspires and challenges you to jump higher and faster? Share them with us over at the Pinoy Fitness Community Facebook Group!